Business is risky.
But we’ve got you covered.

We are an Australian-owned
General Insurance Brokerage that
specialises in commercial insurances.

We serve clients ranging from a sole trader or small professional firm, to manufacturers with large turnovers. We work with newly formed enterprises to large multi-national companies, and our experience crosses many industries including Manufacturing, Engineering, Retail, Professional Services, Importers/Exporters and Logistics.

How can we help you?

Why use an insurance broker?

Utilising the services of an Insurance Broker can save you time and money. Insurance brokers are rigorously trained, regulated and monitored by ASIC to ensure you receive the most accurate and appropriate advice for your needs.

What is an Underwriter?

Why is an underwriter called an underwriter?

It all started with Edward Lloyd of London in the 1680s. Mr Lloyd operated a coffeehouse near the London wharves and as a service to his customers (sea captains, shippers & traders) he put up a bulletin board on which he posted the sailing dates of ships, the names of the captains, the ships’ destinations, descriptions of the cargoes and other relevant information.

Those who were interested in accepting a share of the risk of the voyage based on the information provided by Mr Lloyd would write their names under the posting and, alongside their name, the percentage of the risk they were willing to assume.

This was how the term underwriter was first introduced…the person who evaluates the risk involved.

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